
Importance of the Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N / KN Editions

When you plug in Android phone into your Windows 10 computer, does it tell you it can't find driver?

Do you have issues trying to stream Xbox One to your Windows 10 via the Xbox App, where you can't get even initiate any stream test?

Try to view PDF in Microsoft Edge and it tells you're missing the Media Feature Pack?

You most likely are running Windows 10 N or KN Edition.  These 2 editions are commonly found in Europe or in South Korea, where the N stands for Not with Media Player.  With Windows 10, the N/KN editions actually lack a bunch of other features that you wouldn't normally associate with Media Player.  Such as the Android MTP mode missing driver issue, or Xbox One Streaming feature, or inability to display PDF in Edge.

To fix these issues, you will need the Media Feature Pack or MFP for short.  Yes it basically puts back Windows Media Player, but it also installs a bunch of other bits that Windows needs for some seemingly unrelated features.

Now to throw another wrinkle to the problem, there are actually 2 MFP installers KB3010081 and KB3099229.  KB3010081 is for vanilla Windows 10 N / KN and KB3099229 is for after November Update is installed.  Even if you had KB3010081 installed before applying November Update, you have to reinstall MFP of KB3099229 again after November Update.

Now in Microsoft's infinite wisdom, KB3010081 installer doesn't actually tell you it doesn't actually apply to Win10 w/November Update.  It lets you install and tricks you into thinking you've installed it.  Don't be tricked!  Just know after the November Update is installed, you will need KB3099229.

To verify if you have the November Update installed, click on Start > Settings > System > About and verify version number matches 1511.

UPDATE! Here is the new link if you have gotten the Windows 10 Anniversary Update: KB3133719.  Your system number should be 1607.